Title: Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army |
Genre: Shooter | Release Date: February 28, 2013 |
| Platform: PC | Developer: Rebellion | Publisher:
Rebellion |
A Heart-stopping New Campaign
Battle through blood-drenched levels in a Berlin overrun by Hitler’s supernatural forces.
Adapt to harrowing new enemies – occult commanders, roof-jumping snipers, undead suicide infantry and worse…
Test your sniping skills under extreme pressure, keep your cool, and keep a boomstick handy – just in case.
Share the Terror With Four Player Co-op
For the first time in Sniper Elite history, battle your way through a campaign built for up to four players.
Fight back-to-back with a German officer, a scientist and a Russian soldier.
Work together or face annihilation – plan your positions, set your traps and make your stand.
New Enemies. Same Award-winning Sniping
See every putrid lung burst, every rotten bone shatter with the return of Sniper Elite’s acclaimed X-Ray ‘kill
Experience the genre-best sniping ballistics and precise controls that made the series a best-seller.
Take into account gravity, wind, velocity, stability and more under the pressure of the zombie onslaught.
You must have this game.
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